Sons and Daughters of Italy in America

Watsonville Lodge No. 2016

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Watsonville Lodge No. 2016


2019 - 2020 Officers

President:Janey'Malatesta Leonardich
Vice President:Silvia Prevedelli
Treasurer:Alice Bankhead
Financial Secretary:David Delfino
Recording Secretary:Casey Clark
Orator:Gina Gallucci
Historian:Susan Jacobs
Trustees:Cheryl Daughenbaugh
 Susan Jacobs
 Diana Keith
 Lester Pedrazzini
 Emily Yappert
Mistresses of Ceremony:Kendra Cleary
 Martha Muzzi
Guard:Roger Serpa
Herald:Linda Erbe
State DeputyNorm Hagen (temporary)
Newsletter:Lois Hagen


Sunshine:Lorraine Jurach
Scholarship:Michelle Cecchini
Events/Speakers/Programs:Lois Hagen & Vic Marani
Budget/Investment:Lester Pedrazzini & Emil Yappert
Historian:Susan Jacobs
Monthly DinnerCGina Gallucci


Regular Meetings: are held every third Thursday of each month at the Watsonville Women’s Club, 12 Brennan Street, Watsonville, the doors open at 6:00pm with dinner and a program. Dinners cost $8 to $15 each, unless otherwise announced. The business meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. promptly, unless otherwise announced, and members are encouraged to attend and to share their ideas on projects. For more information, please call President David Delfino at 831-535-2808 or Vice President Janeý Leonardich at 831-722-7958.

Special Meetings: may be called by consensus of the Officers as needed, with a minimum of 5 days notice to the membership.